Websites / Software Development / Logo Development / Identity
Project: Carte Blanche
Identity for Carte Blanche
Creating visual identity for Carte Blanche we’ve done a series of works including the design of corporate blanks, personal cards, outdoor office appearance, web-site. All these elements are presented in bright colors as well, following the idea of boundless creative possibilities while organizing individual tours.
We’ve also supplemented Carte Blanche’s identity with a set of universal icons to embody clear compact images for basic travel-associated options.

We made an extensive amount of work for Carte Blanche, including logo development and the entire corporate identity. In every step we continued the idea of corporate identity and constructed everything on the specifics of the business and the customer. We created a website for Carte Blanche with an extremely easy and intuitive to use interface and clear concise structure. Easy navigation allows you to jump to the desired section, reflecting the main types of services, while saving your time.
Specially designed for Carte Blanche accounting system allows agency workers to automatically create documents which are related to the provided service.
Operating in a premium sector of travel services Carte Blanche specializes in providing individual tours to European destinations. The main target while creating such kind of a product is to offer the client an exclusive solution exactly meeting all his requirements, tastes and preferences. Taking the specifics of this particular business as a basis we’ve created the logo for Carte Blanche brand: 3 stacking cards of a different color, producing new colors and shades while being put together but always having the white card in the heart of the entire composition as a symbol of boundless fantasy and creative possibilities. Color versatility is symbolizing the rich variety of company’s services literally unique for each particular customer. At the same time the logo’s bright color spectrum is reflecting the cornerstone idea that travel is always a colorful, remarkable event in each person’s lifetime.
The logotype we’ve created for Carte Blanche is dynamic: it’s altering in various types of company’s materials embodying the flexible, variable and personalized specifics of the business
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